All Transcript requests, including those for college applications, scholarships, various summer program opportunities and personal copies, must be made through Parchment. Parchment is the Michigan eTranscript provider for Midland Public Schools.
All students create an account with their counselors. Parents can also create an account. Student transcripts, letters of recommendation and school reports are submitted securely to the post-secondary institutions selected by students. All Michigan colleges, and many institutions throughout the nation, accept eTranscripts. For those that do not, Parchment sends paper transcripts (some charges may apply and are paid online through Parchment). Parchment is available to any Michigan resident to request transcripts from any school in the Parchment system for any purpose.
ACT test scores must be requested through SAT test scores must be requested through
Click on the one of the following links below to obtain your Transcripts:
Graduates/Current Students 2011 to current
Replacement Diploma Orders
Alumni requesting a replacement diploma may do so by contacting our registrar Joseph Moore @ 989-923-5386